Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What looks interesting/exciting about going to a great university, in this case UCLA?  OR What are you hoping to see (from the video) when we visit UCLA?

What to know about UCLA

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What a life!

When Mozart performed in homes, a bed similar to this was probably in one of the bedrooms. So I've added a playlist of piano sonatas to add to the historical mood.  

This portrait might resemble the lady of the house:
Portrait of Anne, Countess of Chesterfield

Here are the questions:*What do you imagine it would be like to reside in a home like this?  You choose your role and do a bit of imagining.**  Is it a life you would like to have?

*Answer in full - 2+ - well-written sentences.
**While NONE of this is tested or crucial to making money or getting into Harvard or MLB, knowing/imagining/listening is all a part of being a creative, happy person!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Portrait of Anne, Countess of Chesterfield

The Detail: Hair
After reading about and looking at Countess of Chesterfield's hair, I had to wonder ....many things. Is that why her hand is poised under her chin?  Probably not. Was the hair heavy?  Did she  get headaches? Of course, she must have had particular hairdresser servants. It would be uncomfortable to have hair "shellaced" and to carry around - in my hair - balls of wool. How did she sleep? 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Getting Ready for the Getty I

Details in art are important. Today we learned that artists place details, like ants, for a reason. Additionally, apparently gifted children don't always automatically note details. So let's (that includes ME) get some practice.

Play (at least) these TWO games and comment on the experience OR on one of the images.  Your comments should be 2 full, well-written sentences; they should detail specifics.
This was cool; it was fun....Does that sound like a thoughtful, gifted Room14er?

Game 1: Match Madness
Game 2: Detail Detective

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ted Talks for Kids

Over the next week, would you find time to watch one, or all, of these Ted Talks?  Once you've watched one, take time to share. First tell us the talk you watched, and then write a reflection, connection, or important to you point.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How To Live


Please write a 2 or 3 sentence comment, or response, to this video.  Ideally you will watch it at least once with mom, dad, or another important adult.

What can a 11/12 year old get from this talk?   or What can "someone" get from this  talk this?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is making you happy?

What is making you happy today?

Here is ONE thing that ALWAYS makes me happy.

Additionally, your illustrations, floor plans, comics, etc that you are creating  for your Fascinatin' Factoids make me happy.

Finally this makes me happy, too.